drink me, drink me
the blood
rose garden in eyelids
is this a turbulent movement of your dwelling

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Robert said...


this was whoaness

did you do the words too?

Ruela said...

yes ;) i try

I have a little of difficulty in the translation and also I am a little rusted in English.
I understand and I know to read, but in the construction of the phrases still I am slow.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

i think the art is fantastic and the words work BECAUSE your english isn't as good as you would like it to be. it somehow adds to the overall feel of the post.

Ruela said...

many thanks both

Robert said...

i think you are right, CJ

maybe Ruela's rustiness with the language makes it easier for him to do things with syntax that people like me TRY to do consciously

Inconsequential said...

either way, damn fine piece.

Ruela said...

thanks Inc.

Mónica said...

esta imagem está mesmo bonita, pelas cores e pelo movimento

Mónica said...

fizeste-me lembrar a dança

Ruela said...


Mónica said...

n preciso :D

Mónica said...

talvez não estejamos a ver a imagem da mesma maneira, um ballet sem dúvida encaixa-se na imagem, ecstasy só se for para traduzir o estado provocado pelo efeito visual, sonoro, sensorial, etc etc da forma de arte suprema que é o ballet :P

Ruela said...
