SOCIETY: a green and ripe apple that’s taken, peeled, cored, mashed, covered in sugar, hidden in pastry and fucked by Americans.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

i wouldn't mind being fucked by some americans.
halle berry for starters.

jin said...

I concur!
I mean about society not halle berry.

Matina L. Stamatakis said...

mmmmm, us American's sure loves the pie. Especially when it's a sex partner! ;-)

Inconsequential said...

Of course, I do not mean this to include any sane Americans...


PicassoEatYourHeartOut said...

mmm you make it sound all nice and warm, such an inviting place to be and then "wham" hit us with the fucked by american part. I likee!
+ cocaine jesus, i can think of hot americans too that i wouldn't mind making hot apple pie with ;)