Tuesday, November 27, 2007
item #4191
LOL yes, due to quasi-wisdom, and its weak and severalising spectres, of economy and empty cool, silence is fool-golden only. Thus-wise, cryer you are, you will keep ticking to its cranks and levers. Meanwhile, do not live any of our messages, just in case. Indeed, be more insistent. For instance, consider acts and facts that picture responders by implication rather than by association. Grow up; and for heavens sake, keep re-sending your details. Each mail entrenches, as we said before. You're likely to bore us, yes; but we will not block you. Fall freely, as you please.
posted by murmurists at 2:09 PM 0 comments Monday, November 26, 2007
[fuff fuff]
posted by murmurists at 9:11 AM 0 comments Sunday, November 25, 2007
item #4190
Ha! Same old you ... Terse, childish, even snide, certainly dismissive, and egotistical, as ever ... occluded, obscurist, self-satisfied ...&c. Manners are important. They are, in fact, a function of intelligent interaction. A bit of 'hello mate, hope you are well' to start and 'best wishes' to end goes a long way; like a handshake, in being both meaningless and meaningful. I see this time you finish with a nod in that direction. Purely reactive. Succinct ... how so? More, he said she said... tongue-pulling-out; and your judgement upon your abilities is, again, egotistical. I see laziness rather than economy. Similarly, in order to meaningfully convey the kind of framing you say you were after, more work needed to be done. Did you seriously think your piece would appear as engagement? You know, I bet you did! Hilarious. Writing is for sharing. You look down on such things as ever. Hmmmh ... with your approach, how many socially-successful, emotionally-successful, materially-productive joint-ventures have you contributed to in your time? You see maverick, I see lack of commitment and an unwillingness to put the real work in. 'Amusement' and 'reassurance' spit forth from your typing fingers as if they were diseases. Both are human, in fact. My own central motivations are, however, somewhat more substantive. They are there, but one must have what it takes to see them.
posted by murmurists at 11:29 PM 0 comments
item #4189
Gosh, hello again! How rude, you are! How tersely, one-removedly you return...oh master of the half-persued this that. Such oppositions you ply. Why insult, when one might do something more interesting? Still baiting your hook for waves of destruction? Of course, I realise that you did choose the stick over the carrot; so all else follows... Versions of dialectics. Versions only. Idiosyncing. But, hello again...this response to your response, tipping along the contour of my last unacknowledged mail of friendliness, regardless. I had that in my book of comic predictions, anyway. Why play? Well, one answer is: to build...as opposed to 'fuck 'em'. The latter gets one where, precisely? What successful system espouses that? Has it worked for you? Are you happy? Are you in love? Anyway, I terse-return ... To your thoughts...Several simplistic oppositions, in a list...reminding one of 'did didn't did didn't'-type exchange. OK. I have several Killing Joke LPs, so I have room for some 6th form iconoclasm. Never liked Nirvana, though, so I only go so far. Sorry. How about raising the debate to the level of, say, Death Ambient? Or better still, Debord, Derrida ...something French. With that in mind, I tell you the piece circulated was A PIECE OF PROSE (my emphasis); one of a series. Because you came in inch-deep, you thought it was me making a statement. Did it's off-kilter illogic not raise a doubt? People itemise. They respond in-character; they get the drift. Will you tell me ...'ah, mine was such a response...and you DID NOT get me...? To that, I might say, '...ah this IS such a response, and I DID get you...'. You have always underestimated me. You feel wise to yourself, I know. Despite the inferred depth of your leanings, you only ever operated on the surface, via a series of novelties. I hope you have changed...and, moreover, deepened, less thinking you are mysterious. Have you? Your unadorned terseness suggests not. Still avoiding those tonal resolutions. I offered you the hand of friendship. All I ever felt from you was patronising stony ground, giggling instead of engaging, thinking it was a kind of badge of cooky wisdom. You reduce others in order to feel superior. It does not work, however. Arc at me...eh... invective. Are you really up for surfing that wave? Or can this be rehabilitated?
posted by murmurists at 11:23 PM 0 comments
1 comment:
i would suggest a hopeless case
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