How Sweet It Would Be To Die In Your Mouth
Red is its own mythology and should be dismantled for something else. View minute shifts in the everyday disease, remember its fluorescent habits so known to women carved from cloudy skies.

A chorus on hands and knees, equations that kick every map of the world. Sex was our island, an epistemology more in silver. There's mist carrying shrapnel, scorched skin on the cash pyre. Clitoral repetitions the tire properly as a bruise lubricant, wings the bed's reach across a long time to wither away.Cold greys and hungry inversion worn like a compulsion over narrative, pipe-burns on psychopathic lips. The scenery recoils.

Windows Masturbate the Clean
The curved way her pink yearnings land beneath traffic, voices rinsed through a circled explosion. Falls, looks out over strings of entropy. You closed the spectacle on your way out, but with squalor piled atop an eye into erection. Billboards the sea, videos for the weak. Perfunctory and set with national skin patterns, noise whispers life in blonde voices.

Someone's Purple Emblematic
Burrowed into: truth or glowing matter shakes the morning awake, always the insect ignorant of change. Your hair is all space-time contortions walking away like a manifesto. The carapace, a slit throat never seen. Carrion astronauts the effects of rifle-hood.

The wind needs to zoom in on exiting blue minds that feed and finger her maturity. A curtain encounters the night. Sunlight's approval and the subway free otherwise, seven in turquoise, moon-dust in its laugh. Predisposed of cartoon degrees, fractals side by side with mangy, bleeding dogs in the tunnel.

Pain as a genie in the bottle?

Meal 53
Our satellite into that empty, the basis crying high in the mountains before colliding with amen. Nebulae split into aches that survive the stars. When it's written cerebral infrared with surfaces like a patriarchal glare gone rubbery, thought paints useless, stalking ennui. Nothing thereby gifts the self as though covered in the silence of what is clearly not yours.


David Setchell said...

only alone fucking.
black wool. and long legs.
hair black against marble.

steel eye-lets. welded.
hot narrow. crease.




a tall mans slow lilting gait.

knees of rock and iron.
needs of clouds break.
on stone and moss.faced.
rivering the same thought
around your skin.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

man alive, robert's post in itself is flipping good and then, just like jazz, david posts a comment to compliment robert's own words. twice as nice.

I am not Kek-w said...
