an image in the shape of a word

the horsemen arrived
on shattered glass
leaving a trail of severed limbs behind
their clothes spilled with blood
on the ever lasting snow
the smell of death prevailed
under a sulphuric yellow rain
our scars trace a map of sorrow
we assign the ever lasting impact of the cut limbs blood spilled snow
a bullet through both skulls
a desert of yells
the economy of evil
silver nitrate burning under water
the soiled machete jaws mutilate the glittering sex
soft moisture impaled
Silver Skull evil distorts the Radiance sex disengagement
a catalog of atrocity
in tangigle desecrated flesh
purple flowers of mourning sprout from the liver
scrunched bladders give their secrets away
wires tied to nerves
blue veins dried in a lizard's skin
we hear laughter
as we dance
Conception Collar bubbles in peat veins scrunched
we also dance
to the blindfolded air
as the golden dagger slits the maiden's neck
our faces torn up in uterine ordeals
Cavalry arrive
broken glass
leaving behind the history of arms
and legs cut
their clothes with blood
ever the eternal snow
the smell of death handouts
under yellow rain
our wounds to trace a map of sorrow
we are assigned to the impact of the permanent deficits
both a bullet through the skull
Desert Sounds
Evil's economy
silver incineration under water
she is a saver using sex shiny teeth
soft water
silver skull distortions
sex is evil
the catalog of brutality
they enchanted
the purple flowers of the earth between mourning
to give away the secret of his bladder weakness
frontline co-nerve
the dried skin with a blue vein
we hear laughter
we dance
Christi colored soil vein to lessen air
we also dance
participating in the air
Golden girl's neck,
under the skin, nails and needles
murder tale The State mind
my rule
it is not the world
who wore wings off
trapped white winter packaging and the nuclear explosion
wrestlers poured fire sliced hearts
the company is dead and the future of the wind storm
wishes past poor broken souls
face a maximum suffering torn uterus
needles under fingernails and skin
tell the heartbreaking tale
of epidural fastuousness
my reign
it is not of this world
arachnoid pia mater
idem sed aliter
I am the dark angel
whose wings were chopped off
for so long i have been dead
trapped in pavement and roaring white blasts of nuclear winters
heart swollen eaten sliced in wolves fangs
in the company of the dead and the wind of future storms
in hopelessness
ravage disjointed clumsy souls
not with a stomp
but with a whisper...


Robert said...

unreadable text, Lazare

Russell CJ Duffy said...

i for one like this. in fact i think it rather good!!

Robert said...

oh it fixed itself and is readable now, by the way