Broken At the End of Time

rusted, with spines dangling freely in the cold abstraction outside
ourselves. this particular model describes a slurp at your creaking lattice,
the floating mixture of cash and morphine stuck in forty-dollar eyes.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

sister morphine..OH YES.

minimal but cool.

Robert said...

thanks CJ...i ripped the structure off from your latest piece over at Factor Ape Sex

Russell CJ Duffy said...

i would never have guessed. by the way, the site hasn't been called that for about a year. i know that i am a pain in the arse but i keep changing the blog title and the look!

Robert said...


i didnt even notice

sorry, CJ, ill change it on my blogroll...

and get some glasses


Robert said...


i didnt even notice

sorry, CJ, ill change it on my blogroll...

and get some glasses


Russell CJ Duffy said...

hey, no worries....