Dear Miss. Thank you for your interest. Nothing fundamental is offered, however. I'm trapped in this dressing-up box, contracted to magicians and pawnbrokers; fed on apples and targets; like a mouse; as Id Vicious. If you have phone-lines, please trawl me. Regards, slavejaynie


Ma'am. No need to apologise. Unpray your hands. You are gracious and understanding; and I thank you for your care and intelligence. Please understand, though, that I have all mod cons and want for nothing of substance. I float somewhat across.I am, however, inarticulate, inread and overloaded; my prose is rudderless, Mercating along some contour of Borges. Systems improve me, but there is more work to do. Method itself will replace me, by the by. But the lines I draw now are flat - like the sun. Your owner must realise that all that is solid melts into air, and that only women are factual-sized. I will paint you a black gag for his eyes. My tower is yours for the asking. Respectfully, j


Please Ma'am, I am looking mainly underground... treasure, experience, novelty... out-areas ... you know. This doesn't necessarily exclude travel, but it makes travel an issue, of course. I can easily accommodate movement; but movement itself must be within the context already stated. I can entertain such things as eventuality, desire, indiscipline, mediated generality, limitation, modification, numerical arrangements, consideration, a certain de facto straightforwardness... I know that greatness is a form of constructed, occluded irregularity which slices reality like white supermarket bread. You have been most clear - for which, thank you. Your longterm preferences describe and franchise a rolling capability, I can see that. But I know that, for instance, historicism requires painful and invasive surgery. We are closing. You need to know that. We think alike and have the same values. Our systems are built upon this and we develop others in order to combine still further. We operate as scientists. The procedures we favour are something of a challenge in toto, yes; but they are also an attempt to establish useful and exacting physical ultimata for general application. We believe in this product. Our work is centred upon fuzzy destruction. As you intimate, my husband is a hermeneutic ape, whose philosophical and religious truths return buckets of blood. Yet, I am dressed in silver bullets, werewolfing. Respectfully, j


Inconsequential said...

occluded irregularity which slices reality like white supermarket bread...


Russell CJ Duffy said...

i don't like white sliced bread.
i don't like supermarkets.
i do, however, like this.

murmurists said...

Thanks both. Appreciated.