I am thinking of opening up my "blog" to "friends" again. Just so I can delete the whole bunch for being interaction retards again. Interested? I want to limit it to people who never say anything, if I can. It is unfair that you don't post on BOP, as I do not get equal opportunity to ignore your shit.

Sure.At the moment it is easy for me to say little.You successfully ignore my blog, so I disbelieve your whine about equal opportunities.Imo, people who cry ‘equal opportunity’ are just lazy and unwilling to make an effort, if they got off their arses and made the effort they could do what they wanted, make their own opportunity! Look at Ms Thatcher back in the 80’s ! A woman? Prime Minister? Did she cry equal opportunity? Make me PM or I’ll cry?, did she fuck.

LOLHey Minion, matter of fact I have not successfully ignored your blog. Did she have a sense of humour?

Oops, my bad, you do indeed comment on my myspace blog, which is greatly appreciated...My reply previously was with my blog in mind, as in a 'blogspot' page...slow slow traffic on that page :), in fact maybe even less than my own 'demon' pages...ahh the fickle finger of fame has yet to point at me :( No eager sycophants waiting with bated breath to praise my latest greatest piece of emporic clothing...I wonder if emporic is a word? Wax or waning lyrical again, as you seem to cause me to do, of down the stream of not really consciousness, babbling brook of meaningless drivel spilling from my chipped cups, cups I’ve been in and out of for more years than bears catch popes, I wonder if it’s due to the 60’s? Am I a child of those times? Latent hippy jeans hanging in the cupboard taking up more room at the bottom than the top, dusting the bottom shelf at each swaying swing caused by that door creaking open and slamming shut again and again, maybe some butter for the hinge and some toast while I think on it, also I seem to end up typing all this before I eat, are my words some how driven by hunger by need? If so why are there not more references to nutty cheese and buttered muffins, half fried-grill finished bacon, best taste that way, with crispy rind, crunchy snap of greasy crackling, salivate, salivate! Churn of stomach and clench of gut, spasm and drool, spasm of mind over matters of food, but right now, this moment, my thoughts are mainly of Jarlsberg on bacon on muffin, drip drip butter and fat down the chin chin chin…Yes, I really would like to blog with you and read what is written, as I have already wrote what I write as such…a new flavour would be most palatable indeed. Damn, no muffins. Need to shop shop shop!


murmurists said...


Russell CJ Duffy said...


Inconsequential said...

interaction essential.
talks for free, fun person imo.
seem to jib gib jibber at each other quite well, at times...
Felt like a share.

Inconsequential said...

and now again...i must go to eat.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

are we sharing wives or just ideas? my wife would probably not share me but would galdly sell for a reasonable price. well, ok, a cheap price. free maybe.