my lover looks at me with cold blank eyes while my hands range over her chiselled thighs she offers me comfort when the blinds are shut no emotional response from her plastic heart no emotional response from her plastic heart
Really good lines to go with a sweet image, plastic is a word that pops into my head(no idea why) a lot. So I got a bunch of vivid images when I read your post.
robert>>>i agree totally BUT a regular reader of mine, who just happens to be a published poet, once informed me that my words were ok for songs but not regular poetry. hence my comment. not that i care a fig what anyone thinks about my stuff as i like it! ;)
cool image Cj.
why is it that a lot of your shorter pieces remind me of song lyrics?
Really good lines to go with a sweet image, plastic is a word that pops into my head(no idea why) a lot. So I got a bunch of vivid images when I read your post.
this is about the modern world computers. the internet. myspace. msn yes, my words are sometimes lyrical and not proper poetry
"lyrical and not proper poetry"
the two are intrinsically connected
robert>>>i agree totally BUT a regular reader of mine, who just happens to be a published poet, once informed me that my words were ok for songs but not regular poetry. hence my comment. not that i care a fig what anyone thinks about my stuff as i like it!
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